
Discerning times and seasons

BY Dr. Leanne Suarez

Seasons montage

Each season is characterized by specific conditions: a recurrent period characterized by certain occurrences, occupations, festivities, or crops; a period of time; a period during which something particular takes place; a period of time that is considered proper, suitable, or natural for something; any definite or indefinite time; seasoned — to render competent through trial and experience; to become usable, competent, or tempered; in season — available or ready; at the right moment, opportunely.

Each season involves change, alignment, growth, purpose, and environmental conditions. Seasonal changes are an opportunity to develop and thrive as we trust God’s process in our lives. As we yield to each season with confident trust in God, we engage with God in each seasonal process of life to fulfill His plans and purposes.

Intentionally pursuing and maintaining a kingdom perspective helps us rightly align with what God is doing in our lives and find the beauty in each season, regardless of circumstances.

Each season builds upon another depending on how well we steward what God has entrusted to us. There is a kingdom assignment in each season. It is important to discern both the season we are in and the assignment that God has given us to be focused, productive, and progressing in purpose.

Every season involves the progress of growth and maturity in God’s love. There is a time of pondering what God is speaking to know how to act and what to do. Discerning our spiritual season also involves discerning the provision and resources that God has given us within the season.

Times and seasons are God’s domain. When we are rightly aligned in our spiritual season there is inner contentment, peace, and joy.


The fall season is a time to enjoy the fruit of your labors. You have sown much in seasons past and are now reaping much.

This is a season of vibrancy and refreshing after a time of hard, focused labor. You are walking in the blessing of kingdom productivity and are enjoying a time of gathering and celebration. You find that your faith has been strengthened as you have a deepening understanding of the faithfulness of God.

This is a time to enjoy and reflect on God’s goodness for fulfilled promises, for you are dancing the dance of “He who has promised is faithful.”

This is a season of increased provision, abundance, and walking in the reality of a double-fold blessing. We have been blessed and are being a blessing to others. This is a time of increased joy and jubilee.

The fall season is also a time of evaluating things that need to be released and fall away as we prepare for the new. There is a time to keep and a time to let go, for transition lies ahead.

Action Steps: Pursue new vision and prepare for change. Pray for new seed to sow. Pray for new strategy for the new season you are moving into. Review journals, prophetic words, and praise God for His faithfulness.


The winter season is a time of stillness and rest. This is a season of restraint, where God is doing a new thing deeper within us. A new perspective is being formed and we are being internally conditioned in deeper intimacy with the Lord, to better thrive in the next season.

This is a time for things to die that are not fruitful in our lives. We gain heightened spiritual perception and understanding as discernment increases.

There is a deepening grounding in God as we pull away from the busyness, noise, and clutter resulting in increased peace and stability. Revelation comes in the stillness, and joy is strengthened.

This is a season of pause, reflection, evaluation, reassessing, realigning, perspective, healing, restoration, and clarity.

Action Steps: Journal and contemplate. Meditate on what God is speaking and grow in confident trust. Get to know the God of all comfort and dig into His word.


The spring season is a time where new opportunities are beginning. There is a fresh sense of hope and heightened clarity. Long-awaited promises are fulfilled in a new way. This is a time of testing, stretching, and growth. There is a new step in your walk, a new rhythm in your dance, and a new melody in your song.

In this season you will find and experience increased favor as you do new things with God. Seeds that have been planted and nurtured throughout past seasons are now beginning to bloom and blossom.

This is a season where you are leaving the comfort zone. You may find that new doors are opening, and you are being stretched in things you may not feel equipped for.

This is a season of rich growth and a new or renewed sense of purpose. Things that once seemed impossible are now manifesting as reality. Prayers that you have stopped praying are now being answered. You may receive new vision, or God may remind you of something He has commissioned you to do in seasons past. He is saying, “the time is now.”

Action Steps: Rely on God’s grace and strength. He is with you to accomplish all that He has invited you into.


The summer season is a time when you are thriving in purpose and called to sustain the things that God has you doing. There is a need for continual nurturing and care for specific responsibilities, staying rightly aligned, guarding your heart (Proverbs 4:23), staying focused on your priorities to tend to what you are called to steward.

This is a season when pruning is needed to keep growing and producing. Spiritual pruning involves decluttering and evaluating any distractions to your purpose, evaluating relationships and heart issues, and how you are stewarding your time. It is important to have regular times of rest and stillness to stay refreshed and renewed and avoid stress and burnout.

 Action steps: Schedule prayer retreats and engage in things you enjoy. Get away to a quiet place and rest. Make time for hobbies and needed “play.”

You may experience varying characteristics of all seasons at one time or another as you transition through life seasons, but discerning your spiritual season is identified in the season that is most presently dominant.


Purpose is life-giving and is meant to be discovered. Purpose is progressive as we steward it well throughout the seasons of life.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 emphasizes that there is specific activity to occur in each season of life for accomplishing God’s purposes. There are specific priorities, assignments, and things to finish in each season to successfully transition into the next season well. What spiritual season are you in and how is God growing you?

What is your present assignment that the Lord has given to you in this season?

What do you need to finish in this season?

Dr. LeAnne Suarez is an ordained minister, a licensed professional counselor with a master of arts in professional counseling and theological studies, and a doctor of ministry and worship studies.

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