My Thoughts
As spring bursts into life all around us, this issue is full of bright colors and cheerful images
BY Pat Bradford

This is our annual Kitchens That Cook issue. There is a great variety in the kitchens we have for you, but I have to say my favorite is probably the modest home on North 5th Avenue. I just love that remodel and what builders Marc and Christina Erichsen accomplished with the warm woods. It’s a great inspiration.
If you liked the train piece in our February issue, you should also enjoy our dipping back into history for local travel by stagecoach. Truly we take the ease of transportation we have today for granted. It’s hard to imagine life just two generations ago, when one had to travel by horseback, or something with wheels pulled by horses, in order to get anywhere. Just consider the time that would take plus the discomfort involved.
On the opposite end of the travel spectrum, we have pilot Mary Margaret McEachern’s first-hand account of her airplane’s engine quitting on her at about 400 feet while doing touch-and-goes out of the Wilmington airport. Many pilots do not survive engine failure, and McEachern’s story is fascinating.
This year’s annual Cape Fear Garden Club Azalea Garden Tour added outdoor tabletop decorating and florals to most of the gardens on the tour. It provides an inspiring layer.
You will also learn about the revival of the Wilmington Cape Fear Rose Society’s Garden Tour.
As a complement to the Azalea Festival gardens and the Easter/Resurrection holiday, our Savor feature is delicious and easy to prepare cheesecake.
While not his current main focus, we believe Wilmington artist Bradley Carter’s flowers are the perfect match for this issue.
Hello spring!
— Pat Bradford, Senior Editor/Publisher