
BY Staff

Remembering the Fallen

The sermon at St. Andrews-Covenant [Presbyterian Church] this morning [Sunday May 26 2019] featured a memorial to Whit [Moore] with the material taken mostly from Robert [Rehder]’s article in Wrightsville Beach Magazine [May 2019]. Rev. Derek McLeod who has been here only about a year and a half read Robert’s article while in the waiting room in a doctor’s office. I presume he gave the same sermon at the traditional service which can be accessed online. It is nice to have Whit remembered on Memorial Day weekend by those who didn’t know him.

— Bill Raney Jr. Wilmington N.C.

I was a cadet at Maxton N.C.’s Carolina Military Academy in 1962 and 1963. I am now the webmaster for their website www.carolinamilitaryacademy.org and an officer on the board of directors for the CMA Alumni Association.

One of our cadets and teachers was the driving force behind the building of a CMA Memorial which on the front side memorialized our founder and faculty and on the reverse side memorialized the six CMA cadets that to our knowledge were the only cadets lost in the Vietnam War.

One of them was Wrightsville Beach native Whit Moore the soldier in your May 2019 edition.

I would like to ask permission to reproduce the article on our website. This way all of the cadets could read and learn of his heroism. Although I did not know Whit Moore — I was only there for the first year — we all know his story. Our alumni continue to meet every year since 2003 either in Myrtle Beach (my hometown) and Maxton N.C. As a matter of fact we are planning to have a regional reunion in Wilmington or Wrightsville Beach in the next five months. We have five or six cadets from that area.

I have attached a couple of photos of the Carolina Military Academy Memorial Monument in Maxton N.C. as well as a link to Whit Moore “In Memory” page: http://www.carolinamilitary.org/class_profile.cfm?member_id=1927860

I also have the links to the other five S.C. and N.C. cadets we lost in Vietnam if you would like to view them.

— Randy Jenkins Myrtle Beach N.C.

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