Farewell Courtney Alexandra Seymour Kearney
On April 4, 2020, amid the world’s pandemic heartbreak, Courtney Alexandra Seymour Kearney lost her two-and-a-half-year battle against cancer.

Courtney was a 1998 graduate of Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School in Sudbury, Massachusetts, and a 2002 graduate of the University of Maryland, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing. She became sales manager for Wrightsville Beach Magazine, Lumina News and The Wrightsville Beach Phone Book during our boom years before the recession. She married Tim Kearney at Porters Neck Plantation on April 26, 2008. The couple had two sons, Gray and Wyatt.
With us from the summer of 2007 to the spring of 2009, she was a great employee, fun and funny, energetic, always keeping the sales team on top of things during the years where there wasn’t a minute to spare.
She will be missed. She was beautiful outside and in, and our lives were enriched because of her. Some among us called her friend, yet she never did discriminate. We all loved her.
Creating Connections
What a wonderful magazine to cherish in these uncharted times. I totally enjoyed the April (my birth month) 2020 issue “Solace in Difficult Times.” Congratulations on Volume 21 Issue 4 for your journalist acumen and literary “Social Distancing” with a “Social Southern” signature.
— Lady Darcelle Gill, Executive Director/Principal Leland Ladies for Legislative Leadership
Leland, N.C.