YOU’LL find in this issue the story of an
incredible local woman who has run mara-thons
in 50 states over the past 22 years.
Come along as we celebrate this milestone
achievement with Susan Warwick.
Read about a group of women who got together for
lunch 70 years ago, wearing white gloves and hats. They
formed a garden club that has become such a part of the
fabric of the Wrightsville community, it’s hard to imagine
a time when it wasn’t here. Happy Birthday HIGC!
This issue also has an exciting beach house completed
and then revealed to its happy owners, country music
songwriter Jeff Outlaw and Amy, his wife. Located across
the street from the ocean at Carolina Beach, this family
build typifies a trend where one person or a couple get
a place at the beach and then their friends and family
follow. Soon, you have a whole new tribe that comes to
put down roots at the beach. It’s really quite lovely.
Multiple great white sharks were spotted off the coast
of North and South Carolina in April, and we just
happened to have for you an early shark research tale from
the 1970s. For those looking to conserve potable water in
yards, we have a feature delving into sustainable land-scaping.
There’s also a look into what is happening with
the Rail Trail, the former Atlantic Coast Line Railroad
bed that comes into Wilmington from the Northside.
Over the years we have done multiple features on the
shrimping industry and other fisheries in North Carolina.
For me, shrimp boats out on the water trawling are arche-typal
of growing up on the ocean. As is eating shrimp.
To ease all of us into summertime food we have a shrimp
and more shrimp feature. If this doesn’t get your mouth
watering for the tasty crustaceans (my favorite food) I
don’t know what will.
Congratulations grads, Happy Mother’s Day and enjoy
your Memorial Day weekend. As always, be blessed!
Senior Editor/Publisher
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com 13
Pat’s hair by Bangz Hair Salon’s Frank Potter, and makeup by Regan Daughtry also with Bangz Hair Salon.
up front
The Month of May can mean many things, but it always brings
us Mother’s Day, graduations, and at month’s end the Memorial Day
weekend and the shift into the revival of summer time!
Pat Bradford visiting the Harbor Island Garden Club’s Harbor Way
Gardens in April. Checking her watch, she is looking to see if she might
be late for an important date with Beatrix, the special rabbit who makes
her home in this tree. Pat knows that every now and then in a garden as
extraordinary as this one is — when the time is right and your middle
name just happens to be Alice — wonderful things can happen.