OF LIBRARY HILLER/HERMAN Prolific sculptor Anna Hyatt Huntington works on a piece in 1965. She and her husband,
Archer Huntington, founded Brookgreen Gardens and also a Scottish deerhound kennel.
They bred the dogs and showed them nationally.
creations and the work of other artists.
Brookgreen opened in 1932, a time when creative efforts and visionary ideas put
forth by women were mostly ignored. The beauty of Anna Hyatt Huntington’s art
should not be downplayed, but her vision for Brookgreen and ability to bring it
into reality is something even more memorable and impressive, especially given the
cultural headwinds she likely faced.
It’s not known if Archer and Anna Hyatt Huntington thought about the history
of the rice plantations and the legacy of slavery as they were devising their plans, but
Brookgreen Gardens stands as proof that a place with a highly negative history can be
transformed into something positive.
The Huntingtons created a movement, as since then cities across the nation have
built outdoor art sculpture gardens as centers of culture and recreation, meditation
and contemplation. It is inspiring to think of the Huntingtons’ selfless dedication in
building such a place of wonder, art and mystery for future generations to enjoy, and
wonderful to think it’s right in our backyard. Member SIPC
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There are several small restaurants, a welcome sight after a few hours spent walking
around and checking out the sculptures.
Some of the benches and seats in the somewhat secluded meditation gardens seem
to beg the visitor to slow down for a minute and separate from the anxiety and stress of
the hectic, fast-paced world, to find that perfect distraction that might even unlock a
key to the right decision or get the creative juices flowing.
There’s a reason why some innovative thinkers have meditation gardens and wander-ing
pathways in their backyards. Separating from the problem at hand can sometimes
be the perfect way to find a solution.
There’s also a reason why many brides-to-be and high schoolers can be seen getting
their picture taken at Brookgreen: it’s simply a beautiful place.
The magnitude of the place and the vision it took to bring it into reality is hard to
put into words. As if the talent of the artists and their ability to capture the essence of
human and animal forms and bring them to life were not enough, the enormity and
scope of the place is almost certain to surpass anyone’s expectations.
Located on the site of four former rice plantations, Brookgreen Gardens encom-passes
9,100 acres. It was purchased by Archer Huntington and his wife, noted sculp-tor
Anna Hyatt Huntington, in 1930 to create a public garden for showcasing Anna’s
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