Rev up your creativity and get shooting!
aim focus click
photo contest WBM’S FOURTH ANNUAL
Deadline for entries is January 5, 2022
Entries limited to photos taken between January 1 and December 31, 2021.
Enter as amateur or professional. Subject categories are landscape, people,
and wildlife. Winning vertical-format photographs may be used as WBM
cover art. Grand prize winner receives a one-year subscription to WBM.
All category winners will be showcased in our March 2022 issue.
To enter, email your photo as jpeg, tiff or bmp format to
Limit 3 entries per person. Please include your name, physical address, email address, occupation and place of employment,
photograph title and description, date taken, category, indicate if submission is full-size original or reduced-size file for contest
purpose, and other notes if necessary (what is happening if it is an unusual scene, why you took the photograph, etc.). Please
read complete rules at