This is an unprecedented and amazing time.
I CAN’T remember when I have been more encouraged, even
though we’re in the midst of a horrific pandemic.
There are positives in these trying times. It’s so inspiring to see
our country’s public and private sector pull together to
meet this crisis, shoulders to the plow in innovation. Americans have
always been one nation, one family, with great character and spirit
when we’re attacked.
Every American resident has the opportunity to be a hero by doing
their part. For each of us, from young to old, there’s an incredible
opportunity to make a difference in the future of our country through
shared sacrifice, for as long as it takes. The closing of schools, businesses,
restaurants and public places including parks and beach strands is a
hardship, but staying at home will save lives — possibly tens of thou-sands
Pat Bradford is still benched with a fractured humerus, so
here’s an outtake from October four years ago of Pat (short
hair and all) hamming it up to honor breast cancer aware-ness
in at Wrightsville Beach’s Harbor Way Gardens.
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
of lives.
I’m thrilled with our President’s White House Coronavirus Task
Force’s wartime battle plan to defeat the Wuhan virus in our nation and
I believe what they are implementing will turn the tide on this invisible
evil. One day soon we’re going to be back to robust prosperity again,
but this time, I for sure will be much more grateful.
I believe we were born for such a time as this. Coming together,
we can do this and be stronger for it — for our seniors and our future
No matter how long the crisis lasts, our magazine team, working
remotely, will continue to create quality stories for your visual and reading entertainment. Furthering our commitment to connec-tion
with readers, we expect our all new website to debut any day.
While life right now most certainly is different, it still holds great possibili-ties.
Enjoy spring and with it the Holy Resurrection Sunday season.
Send up prayers for drug therapy innovations and a vaccine, and stay safe.
May His blessing be upon you!
SEE IT NOW AT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFNLOhQ7kjI
To honor our 20th anniversary we collaborated with Cassian Films
to create a mini-
masterpiece! Take a
few minutes to jour-ney
with us through
two decades of cele-brating
the people
and places that
make our commu-nity
so special.