Nutritious Delicious
This easy-to-grow, sustainable superfood
should be a part of your diet
WHETHER you love ’em or hate ’em, it’s impossible to deny the health benefits of the
mighty mushroom.
The edible fungi offer far more nutritional benefits than what was once believed.
Everything from brain health to healthy skin has been attributed to mushrooms.
They are also extremely rich in vitamin B, zinc, niacin, riboflavin and pantothenic acid, and are even a
decent source of protein.
Not only are they good for you, but the seemingly endless varieties also offer umami-filled, deli-cious
detours from standard fare. Forget the image of slimy mushrooms on a cheap delivery pizza and
reimagine a wholly nutritious superfood with a myriad of textures and flavors that cater to any palate.
Button mushrooms in a salad are fine and dandy, but you can upgrade your mushroom meal by
branching out. Try throwing a few fresh shiitakes in your ramen broth, some creminis on a veggie flat-bread,
a couple of morels into an omelet à la Wolfgang Puck, or go for the classical French recipe from
Escoffier for chanterelle soup to wow your family with mighty mushrooms.
76 october 2020