4106 Oleander Drive, 910-796-9997
One size fits all!
december 2017
Ashby Armistead’s ’37 Buick originally was owned
by a French filmmaker, who moved it to Norway
during World War II to hide it from the Nazis.
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Julie Vos
Greek key
hinged cuff
Jon Hart
Tyler tote
original sailboats
exotic the driving experience. The Model
T has three pedals on the floor, but none
of them make it go faster.
“You’ve got your brake, a reverse pedal
and a clutch,” Benton says. “It’s not a stick
shift, and it’s not an automatic. It has a
high and low transmission. You push the
clutch down and it goes forward like a
lawnmower, basically. You go halfway on
the clutch on the way out and it’s neutral.
All the way off is high range, and you’re
cruising about 40 mph. Just give it fuel.
It’s like cruise control.”
There are two levers on the steering
column. One is a hand throttle, the other
controls the spark.
“They are just unique,” Benton says.
“There’s no texting and driving in these cars.
You are literally using all four of your limbs.”
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