On the
From left, Cordy Hieronymus, Harvey Hieronymus,
George Hieronymus and Glenn Hieronymus.
In the late 1970s, Airlie Road was teeming with life. Faircloth’s, the landmark seafood res-taurant,
attracted well-mannered vacationers, and the Sea Bag, a notorious fish house, was a
hive of activity for fishermen and sounders who brought their catch to market. Into this land-scape,
a brotherhood threw out its anchor. This is their story, as told by Cordy Hieronymus,
about a band of native Kentuckians, self-taught fishermen, whose name,
Hieronymus, became synonymous with seafood.
— B y Mar imar McNaughton —
Period photos courtesy of Cordy Hieronymus • Photography by Joshua Curry
WBM february 2011