up front
With this issue, we begin our 12th year
of continuous publication, so forgive
us if we’re a little giddy
t seems like just yesterday we
could remember every interview,
every story, every photo, even
their page numbers.
Now, 133 issues later, our table of
contents is blended into one long happy
memory of really great community stories.
We love the simplicity
of this month’s Home of
Distinction, featured on
our cover, and decorated
for the Christmas season
by two of our favorite
stylists, Susan Covington
of SAC Art and Jennifer
Rose-Sandy of Salt Harbor
Designs. You’ll love the
feel of this shared family
vacation house on Banks
Channel especially the
dorm room for children.
Alight with holiday decorations
this cottage is a
great inspiration for those
finishing up their own Christmas decorations
right now.
More décor is in store at the Dugan
home on Masonboro Sound where the
lady of the house, Cynthia Dugan, combs
her grounds for evergreens. She layers
those with twinkling lights and ribbons,
feathers and finery to deck her mantles
for the holidays. That spread continues
around the hearth with two designs by
Pam Macior styled especially for WBM by
The Three Divas.
And for those who entertain, we have
a preview of locally produced cookbooks.
We handpicked some easy to make finger
food recipes for classic canapés ready
to serve in 20 minutes or less to impress
those drop-in holiday house guests.
There’s more. With Five Stars from
WBM december 2011
Forbes and Five Diamonds from AA,
The Umstead is our destination of choice
for a weekend getaway treat to Raleigh for
relaxation, pampering, fine art or sport.
While there enjoy neighboring Umstead
Park and look for our state bird, the cardinal.
Or enjoy the ubiquitous red bird
in the comfort of your own home as you
turn the pages of a photo essay produced
by creative director Teresa Kramer and
director of photography Allison Potter.
From all of the members of our incredible
staff, including the writers, photographers
and interns affiliated with our sister
publication, Lumina News, we extend our
fondest Christmas greetings to you, our
readers, contributors and advertisers.
Have a blessed Christmas time this year!
around here.
Publisher/Editor Pat Bradford at one
of her favorite places - Marineland, the
dolphin research center in north Florida.
Pictured here with sister Diana on a
fabulous day in November.