letter to the editor
Blessings Near and Far
I just want to
say how much I
have enjoyed every
single issue of
Wrightsville Beach
Magazine since
my husband and I
moved here from
the Northeast in
November 2015.
I can’t wait to
pick up the next
month’s copy at the
local grocery store.
One of the most
special blessings
in the magazine
is Pat Bradford’s
bold testimony of
the Lord’s good-ness
Sonny Kedde displays his favorite WBM cover (December
2017) at his new residence, Rest Haven Home in Grand Rapids,
We would love to hear from you!
EMAIL: 2info@wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com
MAIL: P.O. Box 1110, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480
Letters to the editor may be edited for clarity.
and blessings
throughout the
many seasons in
your life. I always
look forward to reading your opening letters (Up Front). What an encouragement
to read your testimonies in print (a rarity these days) and I also love that Luke 1:37
verse is on the bottom of the WBM info page!
Throughout the years I have often brought or sent issues of the magazine to
family members in Michigan. My father saved every single issue I ever gave him.
One of his favorites is a Christmas issue with the old red truck on the front and a
dog in the seat (December 2017). WBM always brought a smile and a little bit of
the beach to Michigan.
We recently had to move our precious dad to assisted living after he was diag-nosed
with Alzheimer’s and dementia. Of course, we made sure the old red truck
issue made the move as well. I’m sure he will continue to share that picture with
everyone he meets.
I just wanted to share how your magazine has touched lives near and far and still
does. May the Lord continue to bless you, the magazine, and your faithfulness to
proclaiming His goodness. And may He continue to heal your “wing.”
— Shanda Cobb, Wilmington, NC
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october 2021