buildings of distinction
“WE were very excited
to be part of the
bond. It was the
smallest project on
the bond, but argu-ably
the most complex,” says Jackson
Norvell, principal of the school
located on North Harbor Island at
220 Coral Drive.
The second floor is constructed
perpendicular across the top of the
existing building, built in 1953.
Modern metal and structural steel
materials are paired with traditional
school brick to blend old construc-tion
with new. Inside, a contempo-rary
centerpiece staircase painted
turquoise blue leads to the new media
center and hallway lined with clere-story
Above: Principal Jackson Norvell
joined Wrightsville Beach Elementary
School starting in the 2015-16 school
year. Opposite top: The school is situ-ated
near the salt marsh and creeks
of North Harbor Island. Opposite
bottom: The second floor was built by
Monteith Construction perpendicular
to the existing structure.
Before renovations, many Wrightsville Beach Elementary School students
attended classes in trailers and at Wrightsville Beach Baptist Church because
they couldn’t all fit under the roof of the original building.
WBM january 2021