North Carolina Troopers Association
Fraternal Order of Police, Lower Cape Fear Lodge #58
Sheriff Alan Cutler, Pender County
Sheriff Ed McMahon, New Hanover County
Chief of Police Jim Hock, City of Burgaw
Chief of Police (Retired) Dennis Cooper,
Town of Kure Beach
Former Chief of Police Harry Humphries,
Town of Atkinson & Carolina Beach (Interim)
Judge Frank Jones, Superior Court
Judge Jay Corpening, Chief Judge 5th Judicial District Court
Judge James Faison, 5th Judicial District Court
Judge Chad Hogston, 5th Judicial District Court
Judge Lindsey McKee, 5th Judicial District Court
Judge Jeff Noecker, 5th Judicial District Court
Judge Robin Robinson, 5th Judicial District Court
Judge Carter Lambeth (Retired),
5th Judicial District Court
Judge Elton Tucker (Retired), 5th Judicial District Court
Elizabeth Craver, Pender County Clerk of Superior Court
Jan Kennedy, New Hanover County Clerk of Superior Court
Brenda Tucker (Retired), New Hanover County
Clerk of Superior Court
Jennifer Harjo, Public Defender New Hanover County
Congressman David Rouzer
Danny McComas, Former NC House Representative
District 19
Bob Muller, Former NC House Representative, District 16
and former Pender County GOP Chair
Thom Goolsby, Former NC Senator, District 9 and
Former New Hanover County GOP Chairman
Michael Lee, Former NC Senator District 9
Patricia Kusek, County Commissioner Vice-Chairman, New
Skip Watkins, Former County Commissioner,
New Hanover
George Brown, County Commissioner Chairman, Pender
Jackie Newton, County Commissioner, Pender
David Piepmeyer, County Commissioner, Pender
David Williams, County Commissioner, Pender
Chester Ward, Former County Commissioner, Pender
Don Hall, Board of Education Member, Pender
Lisa Estep, Board of Education Chairman, New Hanover
Bill Rivenbark, Board of Education Member, New Hanover
David Wortman, Board of Education Member,
New Hanover
Steve Bilzi, Former Board of Education Member,
New Hanover
Duke Lineberry, Former Board of Education Member,
New Hanover
Bruce Shell, Former Board of Education Member,
New Hanover
Mayor Daryl Mills, Wrightsville Beach
Alderman Ken Dull, Wrightsville Beach
Alderman Hank Miller, Wrightsville Beach
Alderman Zeke Partin, Wrightsville Beach
Alderman Jeff DeGroote, Wrightsville Beach
Former Mayor Bill Blaire, Wrightsville Beach
Lisa Weeks, Former Wrightsville Beach Alderman
Susan Collins, Former Wrightsville Beach Alderman
Mayor Leann Pierce, Town of Carolina Beach
Councilman Neil Anderson, City of Wilmington
Former Mayor David Jones, City of Wilmington
Former Councilman J.C. Hearne, City of Wilmington
Former Councilman Jim Quinn, City of Wilmington
Tammy Beasley, Register of Deeds, New Hanover County
Sharon Willoughby, Register of Deeds, Pender County
Tom Fetzer, Former North Carolina GOP Chairman and
Former Mayor of Raleigh
Michael Franklin, Former New Hanover GOP Chairman
Patti Smithson, Former New Hanover GOP Chairman
David Benford, Former New Hanover GOP Chairman
Sherman Criner, Former New Hanover County
GOP Vice Chairman
Brenda Barker, Former New Hanover County
GOP Vice Chairman
Franklin Rouse, Former New Hanover County
GOP Vice Chairman
Marilyn Williams, Former New Hanover County
GOP Vice Chairman
www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
“The worst thing would be
going into a fire, super-hot con-ditions,
blackout to where you
can’t see anything, and someone’s
trapped inside,” Nelson says. “You
don’t know where they are so you
have to get in and search for them.
You don’t know the layout of the
building. You don’t necessarily
know where the person is. You
have to find them, and then pos-sibly
drag them out. That would
be our worst-case scenario. In the
back of our minds, when we come
to work every day and we do our
workouts, that’s what we’re trying
to stay prepared for.”
MARCH 3, 2020
Paid for by the Committee to Re-Elect Judge Sandra Ray