1336 S. Moorings Drive
2216 Deepwood Drive
1204 Rising Tide Court
809 Swift Wind Place
2012 Kenilworth Lane
700 Planters Row
2009 Seawind Lane
1247 Great Oaks Drive
WBM april 2018
HIS keeps
the genet-ics
and the
different from region to region,”
Parson says.
The notion of terroir —
soil quality, micro-organisms,
growing conditions and
climate — that give rise to a
regional flavor is something
that Jael and Dan Rattigan
know a thing or two about.
They have worked with
agronomists in Nicaragua
protecting heirloom varietals
from the brink of extinction;
with a producer in the village
of Rocja Pontila, Guatemala;
and with an indigenous com-munity
in Peru, all in search
of a “taste of place.”
We like to think of terroir
as more than just an agglom-eration
of weather and soil,”
she says. “We regard terroir as
the unique aspects of a place
that influence and shape the
products grown and made
there. This could include native plants
influencing the soil, what local wood
the ferment boxes are made from or
the leaves they use
to cover them,
and what methods
are traditional for
fermentation and
drying. Those last
two have a really
big influence.”
From Peru to
Venezuela, the
cacao bean is the
star of the show
that is ultimately
crafted into its
finest expres-sion
in the form
of a chocolate
bar. Each artisan
therefore has a
1720 Drysdale Drive • 910-256-6111 • www.landfallrealty.com favorite.