Up Front


Two things will always stand out in my mind about the process of creating this issue. The first is getting to know and photograph the amazing Margaret Robison. She reemerged on my radar when it seemed like every-one I spoke to said the exact same thing about her: “Margaret Robison has put Cape Fear Community College on the map.” Seriously, you hear that two dozen times in one week and it quickly piques your interest. So we set out to get to know her, then photograph her. It was a memorable Friday morning. I had a picture in mind and when it was suggested we could pho-tograph inside the college’s new theater, I was all, “yes!” Never mind that Wilmington had seen a torrential downpour the previous night, and the construction site was pretty wet. As we climbed into the dark, cavernous space, photographer Allison Potter and I slogged through standing water, and wet sandy ground escorted by David Kanoy, the ever-bubbly Margaret, almost skip-ping along beside us. It was hot and muggy, water dripped occasionally onto our heads and equip-ment. We planned to photograph Margaret on the stage, but one look canceled that plan. We couldn’t even get near the stage. Unsurprisingly, Margaret showed no hesitation when we asked her to climb four levels of scaffolding in her dress and heels to create the shots we present here. Just days later, I would again find myself with Potter on another photo 10 WBM august 2014 shoot that I feel blessed by God to have survived. I had the dubious title of Crab Wrangler for the live crab shots you see in these pages. During the adventure, I became seriously stuck in thigh-high mud and couldn’t get myself out. As I considered the hum-bling rami-fications of calling 911, Potter rescued me by digging me out. Then she got down on all fours and nose-to-nose with biter-waving crabs to get the shots we wanted. No soaking wet, muddy photos of either Potter or me were taken, but the two locals who came upon us as we slogged back to my car will attest that we were an amusing sight to behold. My point? Never underestimate the lengths we will go to produce for readers a high-quality publication. We both had souvenir oyster shell cuts to prove it. Stay cool, enjoy this stellar issue and be a blessing to someone today! up front Editor/Publisher PHOTOGRAPHY BY ALLISON POTTER Back-to-school month has Pat Bradford clowning around in the CFCC campus bookstore. (Off camera is Margaret Robison and bookstore manager Dale Brown.) Pat’s hair by Frank Potter, Bangz Hair Salon. Hair and makeup styled by Matt Matyi, Bangz. ali & bird jewelry from The Fisherman’s Wife. Cardigan, Talbots, Mayfaire Town Center. FOR LOCALS: 7-DAY FREE TRIAL DAY & WEEK PASSES FOR VISITORS MENTION THIS AD FOR 20% OFF A PHUZA JUICE SMOOTHIE AT OUR FITNESS BAR Lumina Commons 910.509.3044 | crestfitness.com Crest_ninth.indd 1 4/29/2014 5:08:34 PM

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