Henry Johnston is seated in the living room of his Eagle Point home at the southern tip of Bald Eagle Lane. The retired modernist architect is surrounded by collections of books, original paintings, handmade pottery and quilts, his wife Sally, Piper the songbird and Pierre the Himalayan ragdoll cat. Johnston’s style is tailored, not fussy. On a leisurely walk about his modest 2,500-square-foot home, he likens the positive/negative relationship found in painting to that which is heard in great music. “Bernstein always said: ‘The silence is as important as the noise,’ and it is,” Johnston says. “Without the silence there’s no rhythm … and also no rest for your eye.” The Leonard Bernstein reference is Johnston’s keynote aesthetic played out inside this unassuming, two-bed-room home that has been his hideaway for the last 25 years. 51 www.wrightsvillebeachmagazine.com WBM
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